Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Saturday Crafters - Saturday February 18th

Happy February! 
Saturday Crafters is coming up on February 18th and we want SC to be your warm and cozy safe place to come and craft the day away!  That's why I went with the coffee cup and mitten theme this month - this is how I want Saturday Crafters to make you feel - warm, comfortable and inviting.  Come out and see what we are all about!

Super Easy Receiving Blankets - demo at Saturday Crafters this month!
Vicky would like to teach anyone who is interested, how to make the Self Binding Receiving Blankets. She will be making some for the Windsor Ronald McDonald House.  If interested you will need to bring:
*two pieces of prewashed flannel - one square approx 40" and one square 30"
*coordinating thread
Vicky also suggests using the walking foot on your sewing machine.

Vicky will have some extra squares of flannel if you would like to make one on the Saturday for the Ronald McDonald House.   

Words to live by this month:
Every person with whom I interact today will be affected to some degree by me.  I can persuade them, however slightly or significantly, to be kinder, happier, and more serene.  And if I happen to succeed in tipping the scales in the right direction, then I have made a positive difference in the world.  Christine Dallman

Yes! Another Yarn Bombing!
I have been following Kristy Glass Knits on Instagram (@kristyglassknits) and YouTube and she was inviting New Yorkers to join her in doing a yarn bomb for Valentine's Day.  I commented on her video and said, why not do a world wide yarn bomb for Valentine's Day?  She thought that was a great idea!  So here I go again, joining in with Kristy Glass Knits to do a world wide yarn bomb for Valentine's Day!!!! The theme is SHARE THE LOVE, #sharetheloveyb . So why not join me?!?! Would you like to knit or crochet some hearts and yarn bomb with me?  Or please go ahead, make some hearts and yarn bomb your own neck of the woods.  One heart or many hearts!  It just takes one yarny item to make a person smile - and that's what a yarn bomb is all about, making others SMILE :)!  Watch Kristy's video for some #sharetheloveyb inspiration! 
Email me if you want to join me 

Here is what was happening last month!