And we’re back! Back in action this month for Saturday Crafters!
Thinking of making handmade gifts for Christmas this year? You better get cracking!!! Saturday Crafters is a great place to get those projects done! (or at least get even more ideas of things you could make 😊)
Crafting is Good for Your Health
Here is a good article on how crafting is good for your heath.

Action for Happiness Calendars
Are you enjoying the Action for Happiness calendars? If you are, there is a good chance I will be doing a monthly “Get Together” at the Essex Library related to the monthly calendars and the book The 10 Keys to Happiness by Vanessa King (you can purchase this book online). The Get Togethers will only be an hour long and will focus on Tuning In, Connecting and Taking Action, all based on the Action for Happiness calendar topic of the month. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, help me out by letting me know which time slot would be your first choice (email me back to let me know):
#1 – a Thursday evening 6:45pm – 7:45pm (with time to hang out until 8pm, closing time for the library)
#2 – a Saturday morning 10am-11am
Knitting Machine For Sale
Singer Memo-Matic 327 Knitting Machine Knitting Machine comes with Ribber attachment and Automatic Yarn Changer attachment. Automatic yarn changer attachment allows you to do fair-isle knitting - also comes with many punch card patterns for fair-isle knitting and Punching Machine to design your own fair-isle patterns. Many instructions books and previous owners notes. Many attachments and tools. Carrying/storage case. New knitting machine sponge installed January 2018. If you have been thinking of purchasing a knitting machine, this one has EVERYTHING you need to create and design your own garments and accessories. We purchased this machine from the original owner in January 2018 - we didn't use it as much as we thought and we don't have the time to learn all the amazing things this machine can do. Bag of yarn will also come with the machine to get you started. Price: $275.00
Hope to see you at Saturday Crafters!